5CH Mobile DVR (Bus series model F3R-H0401)
5CH Mobile DVR (Bus series model F3R-H0401)
Streamax bus series model F3R-H0401 is a functional Mobile Digital Video Recorder specially designed for vehicle video surveillance and remote monitoring.
Streamax bus series model F3R-H0401 is a functional Mobile Digital Video Recorder specially designed for vehicle video surveillance and remote monitoring.
Streamax X5-E0804 is developed from the brand new platform N9M, which is an advanced and function-extensive Mobile Video Recorder specially designed for network high definition, analog audio & video input and excellent extension.
Streamax MDVR X7-N1600 is a multi-functional extensive device specially designed for mobile video surveillance system.
Streamax mobile side view camera, the on board control unit, C24 is an intelligent IPC with compact size and light weight. It automatically controls shutter speed, white balance, contrast, brightness, saturation and other parameters, which has excellent performance in color reproduction. C24 offers a reliable surveillance solution for various vehicles, such as public bus monitoring, school bus system, taxi, truck, coach, train…
Streamax vehicle front view camera C25 is an intelligent IPC with compact size and light weight. It automatically controls shutter speed, white balance, contrast, brightness, saturation and other parameters, which has excellent performance in color reproduction. C25 offers a reliable HD surveillance solution for various vehicles, such as public bus monitoring, school bus system, taxi, truck, coach, train…
Streamax C6D (2.0) is a kind of cost-effective device designed for mobile video surveillance.